If revenge is your aim in your divorce process, then we are not the solution for you. Retaliation and retribution, in our experience, are never going to fully heal the emotional scars accumulated in a marriage ending in divorce. Lengthy litigation can only exacerbate the hurtful emotions and pain endured, and can possibly end with a judge – a total stranger – making important decisions about your life. These people might have their own personal history with separation or divorce which could color their conclusions, and even something as simple as a judge in a bad mood can alter their choices. We want to avoid, and we want you to avoid, such a risky scenario. We don’t want to be a part of your pain – we want to be a part of your healing.

Some situations, however, will require court appearances and potentially contentious hearings. Partners may not always be in the same emotional space as you, or you may even be the party unable to forgive, and that means negotiation could face obstacle after obstacle. For clients who find themselves in these unenviable circumstances we can and will provide expert advice and representation, though we will continue to encourage you to resist descending into destructive legal drama which can traumatize adults and children alike. Moving forward with hope is better than constantly looking behind with anger.

Sometimes, instead of planning for the end of a relationship, you may be at the very beginning and looking ahead to the future. Preparing for any eventuality can be daunting, but I can help you in creating legal documents that will help bring structure and security to your coming days. I can assist you in drafting: